Guest Book
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Michael said on Mar 6, 2013 4:53 AM
I was really feeling down on myself for not being strong enough to just NOT SMOKE, but your logical mind just doesn't work when you get a craving. My friend referred me to Laser Therapy South, and now I am more than confident that I have kicked the habit for good. I feel great, and the treatment was painless and relaxing. Pam was very professional and helped reassure me that this CAN be done. Thanks Pam! Michael
Noemi said on Oct 8, 2012 6:07 AM
I visited laser therapy to help me quit smoking. I had no idea of this option until a friend told me of it and I have been trying to quit and have been unsuccessful. Pam was informative and reassuring this was the right choice and a positive reinforcement to my decision. The treatment was painless and relaxing. My cravings have been less than before, and the withdrawl symptoms don't seem to be as strong so I am thankful for that. I am hopeful the treatment will help me to remain smoke free. I am glad I did the treatment-Thank you Pam.
Lisa Folkman said on Sep 21, 2012 11:33 PM
I had a wonderful experience at Laser Therapy. I want to lose some weight and needed a boost to get going. Pam was so encouraging and knowledgeable and gave me great advice on nutrition and healthy living. Two days after my first session I felt full of energy and have totally changed my eating patterns. It's been a week and I already have lost 3 lbs!! It's the most amazing feeling. Thanks Laser Therapy for helping me get control of my eating, my weight, and my life!!!
Stacy Thomashaw Eroglu said on Sep 15, 2012 3:52 PM
This was the second time using lazer therapy but this was my first experience here. It was phenomenal. This company helped to educate, perform the actual therapy and provides a ' just in case' proactive approach to prevent relapse. So far, so good with quitting! Thank you Lazer Therapy South!!!!
Rita Crespi said on Sep 5, 2012 5:36 AM
Today is the beginning of a new way of life. I am now a NON-SMOKER. I'm so excited about it and so far (it's only been 7 hrs) I'm OK. I don't feel the need for nicotine...i'm still at the stage where I reach for something. I now with your help and encouragement, I can do this....so I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!
Captain Snapper said on Aug 31, 2012 10:16 PM
This is a return visit after six years, my Belt is too tight. A lot like the last time I need to take off thirty five or so pounds. My previous visit worked fantastic! I'm well into this time frame and things are happening. The treatment is very meditative and relaxing to me so I use this time to get my head in order. I seem to feel something during the treatment and have no cravings for the fatty foods I love. It's all about wanting to change my eating habits and being healthy so I can continue to make my wife nuts!
david dukoff said on Aug 31, 2012 0:43 AM
I found your service very comforting and your manner very professional Thanks Dave
Brendan Behan said on Aug 19, 2012 8:28 AM
Runners or Atheltes in pain - ok, so last Sunday, I did some interval training on the track. The next day my hip flexor/groin was sore. Two days later I was still sore and when I attempted to jog it was sore to the point i decided to take a few more days off. I was stretching each night but still sore and slight discomfort even walking. On the 4 day I was getting worried I strained my hip flexor and would be out of commision for a couple of weeks. So my wife owns her own buinsess and helps peolpe who want to quit smoking and also experiencing pain using Laser Therapy. Last night she used the laser on both my right and left hip flexor. this morning with a little ice and stretching the pain is gone. Today's work out ; 5 k - time 24.30 (with out even trying my fastest time since I started running 8 weeks ago.) 5 min cool down the immediately to the following Rest 30 sec in between sets; 60 sec inbetween exercises 1.Box Steps with knee drive 3 sets 15 reps each leg superset with Bench dips - body weight 3 sets 30 reps 30 sec rest inbetween sets, 60 sec in between excer 2. Dumbell Lunges - weight 25/lb, 2 sets 15 reps, superset with Crunches 30 reps 3. Squat to Press - weight 85/lbs, 2 sets 15 reps, superset with Pushups 25 reps. Done. Thanks babe for the laser treatment, I am back on the road to training. Any runners or atheltes expericing pain and want to try an alternative, let me know I will put in you touch with my wife. This the second time she used the laser. The first time was on my knee about 3 weeks ago, still no pain.
Gianna Solari said on Aug 15, 2012 6:27 AM
Hi Pam, i 'm now going for my 4th day with no smoking, everything is going so good , thank you so much you are the best, this is the best investment i ever made, thank you i will keep you posted !!!
Victoria said on Aug 11, 2012 11:00 PM
Comments: Hi Pam I visited you last month and wanted to thank you for helping me be a quiter. I am now on my 5th week of being a non-smoker and have found this month to be one of the most successfull acomplishments for myself in years. I have just made a referral to a Jeremy Cafferata who I hope will call for an appointment in the next month. Thank you again. Victoria